Let’s face it, adopting a puppy is a big decision for most folks and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Prospective puppy buyers want to make sure they get the right puppy from a reputable breeder. The customer who does any kind of research on purchasing a puppy, will be advised to ask the following questions. It is very important that you have good answers ready for them.

“When can I come to see/pick up the puppy?”
Give them definite answers like: “I have an opening after 5:00 tonight”, “I’m available the rest of the week” or “Does 1:00pm on Saturday work for you?” Never tell them that anytime is okay. Take control of the conversation and give them a clear recommendation.

“Can we meet the parents?”
Showing the parents can give the buyer confidence, but it isn’t always practical. Do this, if possible, but only if you’re fully comfortable with it. Be sure your adults are presentable. Dragging out a matted or ungroomed dog will not build trust with your prospective buyer.

“Has the puppy been health checked?”
The very least you want to do is get your puppies vet checked. Additional health screening for common genetic disorders within the breed are very helpful. Basing breeding decisions on the genetic testing results for your adults will help prevent future problems. You will find that the time you spend learning about genetic health will greatly increase your overall knowledge and equip you to intelligently answer you customer’s questions.

“How long have you been breeding?”
This is a great time to share a bit what you know about the breed. Learn as much as you can about the breed you’re working with. Every breed has its weaknesses. For example, hips are a concern for Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds.

“Are your puppies socialized?”
Share your socializing procedures and schedule with your customer. The socialization should start at three days of age. Just handling every puppy for a few seconds every day afterward will positively impact the puppy for the rest of its life.

“Are the puppies up to date on vaccines?”
I like to have the health record in front of me to give them a rundown of the schedule the puppy has been on. Give them a copy for the puppy’s first vet visit (which should occur within ten days) so their vet knows how to proceed with vaccinations and dewormers. Your puppies must have at least one vaccine before leaving, two is better.

“Do you provide a health guarantee and contract?”
The customer is really asking if you take full ownership of any heath issues following the sale. Take time to study the PA puppy Lemon Law and use that for a starting guideline. Many breeders offer a genetic health guarantee on top of the required 30-day health guarantee that’s required by the Lemon Law.

In terms of a contract, many breeders create their own terms and conditions of sale, or you can purchase two-part forms From Kings Pet (item # 33002) This form allows you to give a signed copy to your customer and keep one for yourself.

Customer questions have as many variations as the people that ask them. The list above contains some of the most popular ones that are important to answer properly. If you don’t know the answer to a question, be truthful and say so but be sure to dig deeper so you’re ready for the next time.



PAWS (Pennsylvania Animal Welfare and Safety) is a group of pet breeders who are dedicated to
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and legal requirements. We believe that pets should be treated humanely and with respect. We
work to provide our members and the industry with tools and education so they can meet and
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